Midtown Florist
2108 52nd St, Kenosha, WI 53140
Local: 262-658-3551

Best Sellers by Midtown Florist

Search through the Best Sellers available here at Midtown Florist, the leading local florist in Kenosha. Order with us and get same-day flower delivery in Kenosha, WI and the surrounding area.

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The FTD® Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet
The FTD® Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet SNB US 69.99
The FTD® Wondrous Nature™ Bouquet
The FTD® Wondrous Nature™ Bouquet C12-4400 US 55.00
The FTD® Eternal Friendship™ Bouquet
The FTD® Eternal Friendship™ Bouquet S9-4979 US 69.99
Radiance in Bloom Basket
Radiance in Bloom Basket S5286 US 74.99
The FTD® Spathiphyllum
The FTD® Spathiphyllum C28-4893 US 69.99
Long Stem Pink Rose Bouquet
Long Stem Pink Rose Bouquet E5440 US 70.00
At the Ballet Bouquet
At the Ballet Bouquet L5444 US 70.00
Classic Ivory Florist Original Bouquet
Classic Ivory Florist Original Bouquet SYM-6022 US 49.99
Dreamy Pastels Florist Original Bouquet
Dreamy Pastels Florist Original Bouquet P-6022 US 49.99
Pink Picnic Basket
Pink Picnic Basket S5485 US 69.99
Rustic Wildflower Florist Original Bouquet
Rustic Wildflower Florist Original Bouquet W-6022 US 49.99
Faithful Blessings Bouquet
Faithful Blessings Bouquet FBB US 89.99

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