Midtown Florist
2108 52nd St, Kenosha, WI 53140
Local: 262-658-3551

Best Sellers by Midtown Florist

Search through the Best Sellers available here at Midtown Florist, the leading local florist in Kenosha. Order with us and get same-day flower delivery in Kenosha, WI and the surrounding area.

Eternal Affection Arrangement
Eternal Affection Arrangement S5450 US 49.99
Bold & Bright Florist Original Bouquet
Bold & Bright Florist Original Bouquet B-6022 US 49.99
Regal Jewel Florist Original Bouquet
Regal Jewel Florist Original Bouquet J-6022 US 49.99
Classic Ivory Florist Original Bouquet
Classic Ivory Florist Original Bouquet SYM-6022 US 49.99
Rustic Wildflower Florist Original Bouquet
Rustic Wildflower Florist Original Bouquet W-6022 US 49.99
Dreamy Pastels Florist Original Bouquet
Dreamy Pastels Florist Original Bouquet P-6022 US 49.99
Florist Original Mixed Bouquet
Florist Original Mixed Bouquet EO-6022 US 50.00
Springtime Spritz Bouquet
Springtime Spritz Bouquet 24-M2 US 54.99
The FTD® Wondrous Nature™ Bouquet
The FTD® Wondrous Nature™ Bouquet C12-4400 US 55.00
Comfort Planter
Comfort Planter CPP US 55.00

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