Midtown Florist
2108 52nd St, Kenosha, WI 53140
Local: 262-658-3551

Best Sellers by Midtown Florist

Search through the Best Sellers available here at Midtown Florist, the leading local florist in Kenosha. Order with us and get same-day flower delivery in Kenosha, WI and the surrounding area.

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The FTD® Wondrous Nature™ Bouquet
The FTD® Wondrous Nature™ Bouquet C12-4400 US 55.00
Comfort Planter
Comfort Planter CPP US 55.00
The FTD® Peace & Serenity™ Dishgarden
The FTD® Peace & Serenity™ Dishgarden C23-4454 US 56.99
The FTD® Basket Of Cheer™ Bouquet
The FTD® Basket Of Cheer™ Bouquet C14-3072 US 60.00
Sweet As Can Be Bouquet
Sweet As Can Be Bouquet R5544 US 69.99
Simple Charm Bouquet
Simple Charm Bouquet D27 US 69.99
Light of my Life Bouquet
Light of my Life Bouquet C5375 US 69.99
The Dreamscape Bouquet
The Dreamscape Bouquet R5549 US 69.99
Watermelon Crush Bouquet
Watermelon Crush Bouquet V5517 US 69.99
The FTD® Eternal Friendship™ Bouquet
The FTD® Eternal Friendship™ Bouquet S9-4979 US 69.99
The FTD® Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet
The FTD® Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet SNB US 69.99
The FTD® Spathiphyllum
The FTD® Spathiphyllum C28-4893 US 69.99

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